trip. Again thank you all for your prayers.
our VBS crew. See if you can find me.

This how people get around. My first time riding 3 strong.
(This a part of the culture FYI, and yes it did feel a little strange)

This is some of the team doing a
house visit sharing their faith.
We invited the people we met doing house visits
to a little “church service” we put on. We even had a few songs in
Spanish in our repertoire.
Praying over Anthony who came
to the Lord!
Me and Pastor Jose Juan. We help
him in his effort to plant churches in the community where he lives and
out in the country side a 5 minute drive from his house.
Having a team meeting at our
base house.
Playing Red Light Green Light in
the street.
Loading up.
Doing some VBS songs.
Our rocking translator staff.