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Food For Thought

Here's a challenge, and if you choose to accept it your life will be changed forever. 


Yep it's that simple. Get outside of yourself and let God show up and work in miraculous ways. He can do it and really wants to. He is just waiting for us to get out of own way. Seth Barnes threw this thought out there in his book, Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual Discipline, "If we never get out of our comfort zones, we can't grow into the places God has prepared for us." Don't you want to grow into the places God has prepared for you? Wouldn't it be amazing to walk through doors that God Himself prepared for you? 

Going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic would most definently get you outside of your comfort zone. You would be going to a country where you probably don't speak the language. You would see poverty that maybe you have never experienced. Your heart might break for the street kids and their parents who are doing everything in their power to keep them alive. Maybe you don't consider yourself a kid friendly person, well become one and see what God would do in and through you. Be the hands and feet of God without giving it a second thought or allowing yourself to second guess what He is saying and doing. 


To sign up for a chance to experience God in the Dominican Republic click here.