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Our Williamsburg Christian Academy Team has been busy getting to know the neighborhood children, cleaning up the community around the Iglesia Cristiana Bendicion, and learning/living in listening prayer.

The church is to the right of the pictures with the large garage doors.  The unfinished home on the left (temporary scooter parking) is where the team began their clean up. 

As an unfinished and empty space (not uncommon in the Dominican Republic),  it became a place for trash to collect, homeless people to live, and drugs to be bought and sold.  Now, it is clean and includes a new walkway between the church and empty space which the community uses as a walkway. 

The neighborhood kids are drawn to the WCA team.  Soccer, frisbee, catch, circle games, El Ninos Bible Shool, baloons, and more keep the kids coming back!

After a good day of hard work and play, it was time for a fresh Pineapple Break!

WCA has helped to reclaim…redeem the neighborhood for life and hope.  God is on the move and the Williamsburg Christian Academy team has become a fresh breeze for new friends in Villa Mella.

Several people from the church and community have commented about how hard working, genuinely kind, and considerate the WCA team is to the people in the neighborhood.  This is more than a compliment, it is life in what can be a weary place.

We'll try to upload videos of the church services, Bible school, and other adventures (the internet is available, but a bit slower than our video upload demands).

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

Project Leaders
Connie & Allie

photos by Connie Rock