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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions

Food For Thought

Here's a challenge, and if you choose to accept it your life will be changed forever.  GET OVER YOURSELF Yep it's that simple. Get outside of yourself and let God show up and work in miraculous ways. He can do…

Putting Families First

Family trips are an awesome opportunity for parents, children, relatives and more to join together to serve those less fortunate, both domestic and abroad. Adventures is one of only a handful of organizations that offer family trips, and we solidly…

The DR Needs Love

The D.R. is a country carved out of the sugar cane fields. It is rich in history and possibilities for those coming to visit. It is also a place desperate for Jesus. Since 2005 Miguel and Kristina de Santiago have…

Why Go?

Good question… If you choose to go to the Dominican Republic you are accepting the call to transform lives though the love of Christ. This transformation can take place through many different avenues. You could speak life into a child’s…

A Glimpse into the DR

 “My trip to the DR was by far the most eye-opening, inspiring experience of my life. The Dominica people are the warmest, friendliest people I have ever met. The children especially affected me with their smiles and happiness. I have…

Totally Naked

Last year, the very first day of ministry, the team hit the ground and had their first encounter. He was affectionately named Adam… as he was wearing the exact same thing as the man in the Garden of Eden… pre-fall.…